Getting Started on GAPS

Are you new to GAPS?

Getting Started on GAPS (GSOG) is a online, self-paced course designed for the person just beginning their GAPS healing journey. This course covers the basic topics and techniques you will need to implement the GAPS healing protocol for you or your family. 

The course is designed to be the companion to Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride’s books, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, or Gut and Physiology Syndrome. Her books provide the science behind GAPS symptoms, and why this protocol supports your body to heal. And while she does provide all the needed basics of the protocol, including Stages, recipes, and timing, many people find it difficult to implement the GAPS Protocol from reading the book alone. That’s why we created this course at the request of GAPS International.

The GSOG course is here to help you implement the protocol. In the course, there are articles and videos that dive deeper into topics like “Learning to Listen to Your Body,” “Healing, Detox and Die-Off Reactions,” and “Catabolic and Anabolic Balance,” as well as individual assignments to help you practice cooking techniques, and checklists for things like shopping or detoxing your house. Finally, there are in-depth modules about each Stage of the GAPS Diet to help you better understand what the goal of that Stage is. And the course contains so much more! Make sure to check out all the module content listed below. Keep scrolling!

Course Detail

The GSOG course is here to help you implement the protocol. In the course, there are articles and videos that dive deeper into topics like “Learning to Listen to Your Body,” “Healing, Detox and Die-Off Reactions,” and “Catabolic and Anabolic Balance,” as well as individual assignments to help you practice cooking techniques and, and checklists for things like shopping or detoxing your house. Finally, there are in-depth modules about each stage of the GAPS Diet to help you better understand what the goal of that Stage is.

Course Features

  • Unique Course Materials and Content
  • GAPS Prep Steps or “Before GAPS”
  • Review of Introduction Diet Stages
  • Review of Full GAPS Diet
  • “Practicing GAPS” Before Diving In
  • Understanding Detox & Die-Off
  • Monthly Live Q&A Webinar Support (recorded)
  • Discussion Forums Support
  • Access to Course Content and Forums for 5 Years

Amy Mihaly

GAPS Certified Instructor

Amy Mihaly has been a GAPS Practitioner for over 10 years and teaches for GAPS International in the Training and Graduate Programs.

  • Evergreen enrollment (join anytime)
  • Access to Course Content and Forums for 5 Years
  • Online-only (no in-person workshops or travel)

For more information, check out the module content below or keep scrolling for the frequently asked questions!

Course Modules

This comprehensive course contains the following modules. Click the + to see details about what is in each module.

Learn what to expect, where to get more help, and how the modules are set up. Make sure to do this Module first!

  • Refund/Withdrawal Policy
  • Refund/Withdrawl Policy
  • How to Use This Course
  • What if I Need More Help?
  • Outline of the Modules
  • Course Outline PDF
  • Finding Your Why
  • Tell Us Your Why
  • You Can Do It!
  • Recommended Books

Learn some important concepts of disease and healing from a GAPS perspective. These are important, so review them often.

  • What is GAPS?
  • The GAPS Nutritional Protocol
  • What is the GAPS Diet?
  • Helpful Healing Concepts
  • One Man’s Meat is Another Man’s Poison
  • Feeding versus Cleansing
  • Learning to Listen to Your Body
  • Catabolic and Anabolic Balance
  • Healing, Detox and Die-off Reactions

Prepare for a successful GAPS experience by practicing and preparing the GAPS Diet basics.

  • Why Take the Time to Prepare?
  • Recipe Deck
  • Meat Stock
  • Your Turn: Make Meat Stock
  • Fermented Foods
  • Your Turn: Fermented Foods
  • Animal Fats
  • Your Turn: Render Fat
  • Culturing Dairy
  • Your Turn: Cultured Dairy
  • Organ Meats
  • Your Turn: Organ Meats

Prepare your house and kitchen for your time on the GAPS Protocol.

  • Setting up Your House
  • Water
  • Air
  • EMFs
  • Kitchen and Pantry
  • Kitchen Tools Shopping PDF
  • Food Shopping PDF
  • Personal Care Products
  • Home Cleaning Products

Learn why your mindset is vital to your success, and how to understand it and change it (if necessary).

  • Your Mindset for Change Starts with Emotions
  • What Are Emotions, Anyway?
  • Basic Emotional Check-in: How do You Feel?
  • Emotions: Logical and Helpful
  • Change Your Behavior by Changing Your Beliefs
  • Additional Resources

Prepare for success by getting the right support! This module discusses who may be good support for you, and how to ask for support.

  • When and How to Share with Others
  • Medical Practitioners
  • School and Daycare Providers
  • Family Members
  • Friends
  • GAPS Professionals
  • Supporting Yourself
  • Example Letters PDF

In this module we will discuss the detoxification methods to use during your healing on the GAPS protocol.

  • Detoxing
  • Oil Pulling
  • Detox Baths
  • Enemas
  • Sunbathing
  • Juicing
  • Other Detox Methods
  • Chelation Therapy

In this module you will learn about the basic supplements recommended on the GAPS Protocol, as well as which supplements to avoid.

  • Recommended Supplements on GAPS
  • Probiotics
  • Essential Fatty Acids
  • Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Organ Supplements
  • Iodine

Learn what the Introduction Stage and Full GAPS diet are made for, how they fit into the larger GAPS Protocol, and how to lead yourself and your family through this nutritional healing protocol. Should you start with GAPS Intro or Full GAPS? How to Introduce Dairy Sensitivity Test

  • Introduction Diet vs Full GAPS Diet
  • Where to Start? Intro vs Full GAPS
  • Moving Through the Stages
  • Sensitivity Test
  • Dairy Introduction Structure
  • Modifications of the GAPS Diet
  • Recipe Deck

What you need to know to do the Full GAPS Diet.

  • Full GAPS At-A-Glance
  • Full GAPS PDF
  • Allowed Foods
  • Allowed Foods PDF
  • Not-Allowed Foods
  • Not-Allowed Foods PDF
  • Full GAPS: Discussion and Details
  • Suggested Daily Routine
  • Suggested Daily Routine PDF

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 1.

  • Stage 1 At-A-Glance
  • Intro Stage 1 PDF
  • Stage 1 Recipes
  • Stage 1 Discussion and Details

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 2.

  • Stage 2 At-A-Glance
  • Intro Stage 2 PDF
  • Stage 2 Recipes
  • Stage 2 Discussion and Details

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 3.

  • Stage 3 At-A-Glance
  • Intro Stage 3 PDF
  • Stage 3 Recipes
  • Stage 3 Discussion and Details

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 4.

  • Stage 4 At-A-Glance
  • Intro Stage 4 PDF
  • Stage 4 Recipes
  • Stage 4 Discussion and Details

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 5.

  • Stage 5 At-A-Glance
  • Intro Stage 5 PDF
  • Stage 5 Recipes
  • Stage 5 Discussion and Details

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 6.

  • Stage 6 At-A-Glance
  • Intro Stage 6 PDF
  • Stage 6 Recipes
  • Stage 6 Discussion and Details

Directions on how to transition from the last Stage of Intro to the Full GAPS Diet.

  • Transitioning Onto Full GAPS
  • Suggested Daily Routine
  • Suggested Daily Routine PDF

You likely won’t be on the GAPS Diet forever. This is how you come off.

  • Coming Off the GAPS Diet
  • Coming Off GAPS PDF

Now that you’ve gone through all the modules, what should you do now?

  • Where to Go From Here?
  • Join the GSOG Alumni Community
  • Continue on: Further Training in the GAPS Protocol

Celebrate! You did it!

  • You Did It!
  • Reflect on What You’ve Learned


Please read through the following questions before reaching out to us.

There are many video recordings of Dr. Natasha’s lectures available on YouTube, as well as content on YouTube and many different websites about GAPS. Unfortunately not all is always accurate, of course. One good website is, which is maintained by Dr. Natasha herself. And, of course, you can learn about the GAPS protocol from Dr. Natasha’s yellow and blue books. But it’s hard to learn a protocol from a book, which is why we built this course!

There are many ways you can start GAPS, but one way is with this course, designed to teach you everything you need to know about the techniques and concepts of the GAPS Diet, and larger GAPS Protocol. After completing this course, you will know how to cook all the foods on the GAPS Diet, know which foods are eaten at each Stage, as well as how to support your body with Detoxification and minimal Supplementation, so you can heal and repair your leaky gut and then your other symptoms.

You can see the modules of the course, which will give you a great idea of what you will be learning, by going to and scrolling down the page.

Yes! This course is written for people who want to learn how to do the GAPS Diet for themselves or their family. It’s not written for doctors.

No, this is not a certification course. This course is written for the public to learn about the GAPS Protocol so they can implement it in their life. It, of course, is a great place for anyone to start.

The certification courses to be a certified GAPS Practitioner or certified GAPS Coach are also listed on You can distinguish them by their titles which include the word “Training”.

The GSOG course has instructor oversight. The course is self-paced. We recommend you go through the modules in order to have the best understanding.

You can receive a certificate of completion when you complete all the modules and finish the course. This certificate of completion is just for you. This course is not a certification course. It is an informational and educational course. If you would like a certificate, please message us when you have completed the course and we will send one to you.

The Getting Started on GAPS Course was created to help you implement the protocol that Dr. Natasha outlines in her books and expand the book in a digital space. We can focus on individual topics and techniques to really take the time to expand and unpack the nuances in order to help you better succeed and be able to apply them to your individual situation. Because this course is only educational, we strive to teach as much detail as possible so you can apply this to your family situation. It helps you learn and practice the techniques, understand the why behind which foods to eat and not eat, and how to implement the protocol. There is also a live Q&A Webinar monthly, and a forum where you can ask questions. The GAPS Protocol is the same, but this course breaks the elements down, and explores them in more detail.

Yes! Once you sign up, you will have access to the material for five years, and you can download and save any of the downloadable PDFs and documents in the course.

The GAPS Protocol is designed to support the body in healing. The symptoms you or your child are experiencing are a signal from your body telling you something is wrong. The medical world takes these symptoms and places them in diagnostic boxes, but the GAPS Protocol does not approach symptoms the same way. The focus of the GAPS Protocol is to support the body in what it needs using nutrition, detoxification, and minimal supplementation. Each person is different, but the GAPS Protocol will help support the body no matter the symptom or diagnosis. The GAPS Protocol has been successfully used by people with many diagnoses, including the ones listed above.

This depends on the person. Many people experience symptom relief within days or weeks of beginning the GAPS Protocol. This is because highly inflammatory foods have been removed and healing has begun. Even though symptom reduction means we’re on the right track, it takes much longer to fully heal and restore the body. When considering the GAPS Protocol, you should plan to invest 2-5 years into your healing. 

This course is designed to teach you the principles and practicals of the GAPS Protocol. How and when you implement what you’ve learned is up to you. The modules of the course make it easy for you to implement small steps while you “Practice GAPS.” Most people cannot fully implement the GAPS Protocol immediately, and it’s common for various members of the family to be on different pages or Stages. While it looks different in every family, it’s possible to implement the GAPS Protocol no matter the situation. Even if only a few things are implemented, each positive change you bring in will help the body. 

Unfortunately, not at this time but maybe in the future.

The primary focus of this course is not teaching cooking techniques. This is not a cooking course. However, because food is a major part of the GAPS Protocol, we of course talk about food and recipes.  You’ll get a recipe deck with many of the common recipes. We also include detailed explanations on the techniques needed to do the GAPS Diet.

For more details of cooking techniques, we recommend purchasing the book “The Complete Cooking Techniques for the GAPS Diet”  or signing up for the Meat Stock Masterclass, both by Monica Corrado, a certified GAPS Practitioner. Additionally, more recipes can be found in the GAPS books by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride and on the websites of GAPS Practitioners and Coaches.

Yes. The course was designed to be completed in about four months but you will have access to the education resources for five years.

There are a few payment options available

Payment Option #1: Payment in full at time of enrollment.

Payment Option #2: 50% at time of enrollment and the remaining 50% due in 30 days from the day you join the course. If the second payment is not made within a week of the invoice being sent, you will be withdrawn from the course until the payment has been made.

Payment Option #3: PayPal Credit (No down payment, 6-month, interest free financing through PayPal. You will need to establish this payment option on your own through your PayPal account.  PayPal will pay us and you will then make six payments to PayPal directly.)

Payment Option #4: You are taking this course as a part of Be Well Clinic’s Nutritional Healing Program. In this case your payment options, and any withdrawal/refund requests will be handled through the program coordinator at Be Well Clinic, and your withdrawal/refund options are stated in your Nutritional Healing Program paperwork.

If you wish to withdraw within 24 hours of course purchase, a full refund of your payment amount can be requested. Please allow 48 hours for the processing of the refund. Your access to the course will be removed at the time of your refund.

If you wish to withdraw up to 30 days after beginning the course, you can request a refund for 50% of the full course price (if you used Payment Option #2, you are not subject to any refund as you have only paid 50% of the course price).

If you wish to withdraw after 30 days you can request a refund according to the following schedule:

31-60 days: you can request a refund of 30% of the payment amount

61-90 days: you can request a refund of 20% of the payment amount

greater than 91 days: no refund available

You may request to pause your course access for up to 6 months. This is granted on a case-by-case basis, and we reserve the right to decide who qualifies for this accommodation. If granted, no refund would be issued, and your access will be paused for up to 6 months, when it would then resume for the remainder of your time. Requests to re-access the course should be sent to This accommodation only applies to the Getting Started on GAPS Course, and does not apply to time spent in the GSOG Alumni Community.

We will try to help link you to a GAPS Practitioner and Coach near you. GAPS Practitioners and Coaches are also listed on the GAPS website at